Thursday, July 26, 2012

Going to start it! / Contest!!

    **Contest** Get a chance of getting a webcam! Read more below!

Follow SgtChief01 on Twitter to get a chance of winning a FREE webcam!
   The lucky winner will get the Webcam mailed to them, you don't have to pay a cent..All you have to do is simply follow SgtChief01 on Twitter. We will choose the winner on 7/28/12


I have decided that we're going to start doing reviews on clans for ROBLOX today! Since we are NOW reaching 100-200 page views per day. So here is our schedule for groups we will be reviewing this week!

John's Cobras
Urban Assault Forces
First Encounter Assault Recon
Roblox Assault Team

Vortex Security
Noble Blade

The Robloxian Army
United Clan of ROBLOX
Reign Of Chaos
Frost Clan

-Some will be video reviews, with me speaking in them; others will be just pictures of the base and me talking about/reviewing the group.

Point Of These Reviews:
We think that you guys might want to hear a review about a group before you join them, for this first week, we will be focusing on the main/large groups on ROBLOX. Than after that we will focus on some smaller groups that you should REALLY join, or REALLY NOT join.

So Stay ready, we are going to be doing LOTS of reviews this week!

~Founder/Owner (Josh)

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