Tuesday, March 26, 2013

ROBLOX is eggtastic!

Hello users of ROBLOX! Josh here with big news! ROBLOX Reviews will now be having a new review every day! We are going to try and remain active, as our fans have requested.

Today we will review the ROBLOX catalog. Why you may ask..Because this is the biggest Easter egg hunt known to ROBLOX this year. Which means there will be lots of Easter items. This year ROBLOX has made the most ammount of items for Easter! Including that they may be making even more items! But is ROBLOX going overboard? We say yes, ROBLOX needs to chill with the item making for Easter. They need to work on making better items for Christmas before they start mass-uploading Easter items. Our opinion on ROBLOXs Easter Catalog is what we would call a fail-item Holiday. We suggest you buy nothing this Easter. Otherwise we do give the 2013 EGG HUNT a rating of 10/10. The ROBLOX Reviews staff team LOVES The 2013 ROBLOX Egg Hunt!

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