Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why trust our reviews?

Many people have been asking, why they should trust our reviews and ratings. We will answer that question for you! :)

Josh's answer (Founder + Owner): You honestly don't have to trust our reviews if you disagree with them! We just suggest that you do, because we make sure that every staff member approves of the review + rating before it is published to our blog. So we make sure that 3 other Veterans of ROBLOX agree with a review + rating that one of our writer's made. I myself, have now 4 years of experience on ROBLOX.

Matthew's answer (Head Writer): On our blog we make sure that our reviews + ratings are legit. We also make sure that anybody we hire for ROBLOX Reviews has over 1 year of experience on ROBLOX. So yes, all of our staff members are ROBLOX Veterans!

Nick's answer (Writer and Event Organizer): I have been a writer for ROBLOX Reviews for 5 months now and I completely love how the blog is run. Before one of my reviews is published, at least 3 of us..Out of 4 of us, must agree with the review upload. Which is a wonderful way to run things.

Jacob's answer(Writer and Blog Moderator):  We are experienced users of ROBLOX, so that helps you trust us a little bit, I hope. So once 4 experienced ROBLOX Users group together and ask if a review is good to be published it obviously means the review is perfected to suit the readers.

We do hope you trust our reviews a little more now, ha ha! :) ~ Josh & Jacob

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