Thursday, June 13, 2013

Where would I be right now if I never found ROBLOX

I would have no computer, not know HTML, PHP, CSS, HTML5, Java, and Lua scripting. My life would simply be nothing, I would just be a lazy bum without ROBLOX.

      Moving on! Lately I have not made any new Blog posts due to being caught working @, which my username on there is Alsomejd < Staff Account & .Annex. < Hangout + Premium Account. So if you want to contact me via Habbo, then just send a friend request to one of those accounts. 

         While the blog was inactive I got two job offers from 2 newbie websites, asking me to be a Developer for there website. Of course, I kindly declined the job offers due to me being busy with Habbo! I do like helping make social-avatar websites and all, but Habbo is just where it is at for me right now. Also I found out that being into computers and knowing a few exploits and a few hacking programs can suck sometimes. One of my friends Facebook account was "hacked" which of course it was simply logged into by somebody knowing his password + email. Well, I got blamed for that and was sent to the principals office, I nearly got suspended. Luckily, my friend knew it wasn't me and told the principal that it was not me. < Thank gawd

I will be posting some more stuff about inrl stuff! Which some of it you might find interesting, so ummm ya! This blog won't be all about ROBLOX anymore.

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